The Border Terrier is a terrier breed originating from Great Britain, known for its courage, liveliness, and affectionate nature. This small, sturdy dog was originally bred for fox and vermin hunting, and is now appreciated for its friendly temperament and distinctive appearance.
The Border Terrier is a small, well-proportioned, and compact dog. Males typically stand between 25 and 28 cm at the withers, while females measure between 24 and 27 cm. Their weight ranges from 5.5 to 7.5 kg. The body is robust with a deep chest and solid limbs. The head is rather broad with a short, strong muzzle. The eyes are round and medium-sized, usually dark brown, and express marked liveliness and intelligence. The ears are small, V-shaped, and fold forward against the head.
The Border Terrier’s coat is one of its most distinctive features. It is wiry, dense, and coarse, with a soft undercoat that provides protection against the elements. The coat can be red, grizzle and tan, blue-grey, or sandy, often with darker or lighter markings. Regular grooming is necessary to keep the coat in good condition and prevent matting. The Border Terrier does not shed much, making it a relatively easy breed to maintain.
The Border Terrier is known for its lively, courageous, and affectionate temperament. It is very devoted to its family and generally good with children. This terrier is intelligent, alert, and full of energy, requiring regular mental and physical stimulation. While it may be reserved with strangers, it is usually friendly and sociable. The Border Terrier is also known for its independence and determination, traits inherited from its hunting dog past.
The Border Terrier is generally a robust breed with an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. However, like all breeds, it can be prone to certain health issues. Common conditions include eye disorders such as cataracts and hip dysplasia. A balanced diet, regular veterinary care, and sufficient physical exercise are essential for maintaining good health. Coat care is also important to prevent skin problems and parasites.