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Medium-sized dogs (<30 kg)

In general, medium-sized dogs weigh between 15 and 30 kg and measure between 45 and 60 cm at the withers. There is no precise universal definition of the average size of a dog. However, it is important to note that a dog's size can vary individually depending on their breed, breeding, and activity level.

Medium-sized dogs are often sought after for their versatility, as they are usually large enough to participate in sports and outdoor activities, yet compact enough to suit apartment living or smaller spaces.

There are many medium sized dog breeds like the Norwegian Buhund, Kelpie, Kai, Schnauzer, Swedish Lapphund, Shikoku, Saluki, Border Collie, Kishu, Azawakh, el Barbet and many more. others.

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Other Medium Sized Dogs (<30 kg)

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