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Border Collie

Dog Border Collie

The Border Collie is a herding dog breed originating from the border regions between Scotland and England. Known for its exceptional intelligence and agility, the Border Collie is often considered the best herding dog in the world. Primarily used for working with sheep, it is also an excellent companion dog for active families and dog sports enthusiasts.

Physical Characteristics

The Border Collie is a medium-sized, well-proportioned, and athletic dog. Males typically stand between 48 and 56 cm at the withers, while females measure between 46 and 53 cm. Their weight ranges from 14 to 20 kg. The body is agile and muscular, with a deep chest and powerful limbs. The head is moderately wide with a strong muzzle and semi-erect or fully erect ears. The eyes are medium-sized and can be brown or blue, often reflecting remarkable liveliness and intelligence. The tail is of medium length, well-feathered, and carried low with a slight curve at the tip.


The Border Collie has a double coat that is dense, consisting of a soft undercoat and a harsher, weather-resistant outer coat. There are two coat varieties: a short, smooth coat and a longer, slightly wavy coat. The coat can come in a wide range of colors and patterns, with the most common being black and white, red and white, blue merle, and tricolor. Regular brushing is necessary to maintain the health and appearance of the coat.


The Border Collie is known for its intelligence, energy, and desire to work. It is extremely attentive and responsive, learning new commands and tasks quickly. This dog is very attached to its owner and constantly seeks to please them. While it may be reserved with strangers, it is generally friendly and sociable. Due to its boundless energy, the Border Collie requires a lot of physical and mental exercise to be happy and balanced. It excels in many dog sports such as agility, flyball, and frisbee.


The Border Collie is a robust breed with an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. However, like all breeds, it can be prone to certain health issues. Common conditions include hip dysplasia, eye disorders such as Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA), and some autoimmune diseases. A balanced diet, regular veterinary care, and adequate physical activity are essential for maintaining overall health.

The Border Collie is an exceptionally intelligent and energetic herding dog, ideal for active families and dog sports enthusiasts. With proper socialization and training, it can be a loyal companion and a dedicated collaborator in various activities.

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