The Hokkaido, also known as the Hokkaido Ken or Hokkaido Inu, is a breed of dog native to Japan, specifically the island of Hokkaido.
The Hokkaido is an ancient dog breed that has been used for centuries for hunting large game, including deer and bear.
This medium-sized spitz dog is known for its sturdy appearance and independent character, making it a valuable working dog in its native country.
Males generally measure between 48 and 52 cm at the withers, while females measure between 45 and 49 cm.
The average weight generally varies between 20 and 30 kg.
The Hokkaido has a muscular and compact body, well proportioned.
It has a robust silhouette with a deep chest and straight, well-developed limbs.
Its back is straight and strong, with a muscular neck.
The head is proportional to the body, with a broad and slightly rounded skull.
The muzzle is straight and of medium length.
It has triangular-shaped eyes, of medium size, dark brown in color, and triangular ears, erect and slightly rounded at the tip.
The Hokkaido's coat is double, with a dense undercoat and a straight, thick outer coat.
It is of medium length and has a rough texture.
The most common coat colors are red, black, white and brindle.
The Hokkaido is a courageous dog, loyal and devoted to its family.
He is often described as intelligent, attentive and protective.
He can be wary of strangers, making him a good watchdog.
Due to its hunting dog heritage, the Hokkaido has a strong prey instinct and can be independent.
However, with early socialization and proper training, it can adapt to various family environments.
Hokkaido needs daily exercise and mental activities to stay happy and healthy.
Regular walks, interactive games and mental stimulation activities are recommended to meet his needs.
The Hokkaido is generally a sturdy and healthy breed. Like all breeds, he may be prone to certain health conditions, such as joint problems, skin allergies, and eye problems.
Due to his independent personality and hunting instinct, the Hokkaido may not be suitable for all dog owners, but for those who are willing to invest time and energy in training him, he can be a companion faithful and loving.