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Blue Picardy Spaniel

Dog Blue Picardy Spaniel

The Blue Picardy Spaniel is a breed of hunting dog native to Picardy, France. It is a medium-sized dog, with a height at the withers of 55 to 60 cm for males and 50 to 55 cm for females. It has a body shaped like an elongated rectangle, with strong bones and well-developed musculature. Its coat is black with grayish variegation, which gives it a bluish-looking pigmentation. The weight of the Blue Picardy Spaniel is between 15 and 18 kg.

The character of the Blue Picardy Spaniel is gentle and affectionate. He is very attached to his family and enjoys spending time with them. It is also a very intelligent and easy to train dog.

The Blue Picardy Spaniel is an excellent hunting dog. He is fast and agile, and he has excellent flair. It is used for hunting waterfowl, game birds and plains game.

The Blue Picardy Spaniel is a dog that needs to be exercised a lot. He must have a large yard or field where he can run and play. It is also important to walk him regularly.

The Blue Picardy Spaniel is a hardy and healthy dog. It has a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years.

Blue Picardy Spaniel care is relatively simple. You need to brush him regularly to keep his coat healthy. You should also cut your nails regularly.

The Blue Picardy Spaniel is a dog that can be an excellent companion for active people who love hunting. However, it is important to find out about the breed before adopting it.

He is a very intelligent and easy to train dog. It can be used for many activities including obedience, agility and tracking. He is very sociable and enjoys the company of other dogs. He can also get along with cats and other pets. It is a hardy and healthy dog, but it is important to deworm it and vaccinate it regularly. If you are looking for an affectionate and intelligent hunting dog, the Blue Picardy Spaniel is a great option.

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