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Picardy Spaniel

Picardy Spaniel

The Picardy Spaniel is also a breed of hunting dog originating from France, and more precisely from the Picardy region.

The Picardy Spaniel is of medium size. Males generally measure between 55 and 60 cm at the withers, while females measure between 53 and 58 cm. The average weight generally varies between 20 and 25 kg.

The coat is dense, wavy and slightly curly. It is longer on the ears, chest, legs and tail. Accepted colors include white and brown, with or without black markings.

The head is well proportioned to the body, with a slightly rounded skull. The muzzle is of medium length. The eyes are oval in shape, brown in color. The ears are set high, of medium size and carried hanging down.

The Picardy Spaniel is renowned for its gentle, intelligent and determined temperament. It is a versatile hunting dog, used mainly for hunting feathered game, particularly partridges.

He is also described as being affectionate towards his family, docile and sociable. Due to his hunting heritage, he can be energetic and enjoy outdoor activities.

As a hunting dog, the Picardy Spaniel needs regular exercise to stay mentally stimulated and physically fit. Walks, play sessions and the opportunity to exercise outdoors are essential for your well-being. This breed is generally robust and healthy. However, as with all breeds, regular care, a balanced diet and visits to the veterinarian are necessary to maintain its health.

The Picardy Spaniel is valued for its hunting skills, intelligence and friendly behavior. It can also make an excellent companion dog for active families. As a pet, it benefits from early socialization and consistent training.

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