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Italian Wirehaired Hound

Italian Wirehaired Hound

The Italian Wire-Haired Hound is a hunting dog breed originating from Italy, specifically developed for hunting hares and wild boar. It is valued for its excellent scenting ability, great endurance, and capacity to work on challenging terrains.

Physical Description

The Italian Wirehaired Hound is a medium-sized, well-proportioned, and robust dog. It has a long head with a slightly domed skull, a straight and strong muzzle, and medium-sized, low-set, drooping ears. Its eyes are almond-shaped, usually brown or hazel, expressing a gentle and attentive look. The body is slightly longer than it is tall, with a deep chest and a straight back. The limbs are strong and well-muscled, suited for hunting in various environments.

Size and Weight

The Italian Wirehaired Hound typically stands between 52 and 60 cm (20 to 24 inches) at the withers for males, and between 48 and 56 cm (19 to 22 inches) for females. The weight ranges from 20 to 28 kg (44 to 62 pounds), giving it a solid and enduring build.


The coat of the Italian Wirehaired Hound is dense, rough, and of medium length, forming an effective protection against the elements. This coat is often fawn or dark fawn in color, sometimes with lighter markings or white patches on the chest and feet. Due to the texture of its coat, regular grooming is necessary to prevent matting and to keep the coat in good condition.


The Italian Wirehaired Hound is known for its determined, energetic, and loyal character. As a hunting dog, it is particularly tenacious and persistent on trails, capable of pursuing game over long distances. It is also very attached to its family and can be an excellent companion, although it may be reserved with strangers. This intelligent dog responds well to consistent training, but it may sometimes display independence due to its hunting instincts.


The Italian Wirehaired Hound is generally a robust breed, but like all dogs, it can be prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia or certain eye conditions. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and appropriate veterinary care are essential to maintaining its health and well-being. Its average life expectancy is between 12 and 14 years.

The Italian Wirehaired Hound is a resilient and effective hunting dog, originating from Italy. With its dense and rough coat, it is well-suited to tough conditions, while also being a loyal and energetic companion. Its robust health nevertheless requires regular care to ensure long-term well-being.

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