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Dogs, "man's best friends", have held a special place in our lives for millennia. Whether they are loyal companions, working partners, or full-fledged members of our families, these fascinating animals exhibit an incredible diversity of breeds, sizes, and personalities.

The Canine World

From the imposing Saint Bernard to the tiny Chihuahua, each dog breed possesses unique characteristics that set them apart. Let's dive into the canine world to explore the different breeds, understand their specific needs, and discover how these wonderful animals enrich our daily lives.

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Afghan Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Afghan Hound
Affenpinscher : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Airedale Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Airedale Terrier
Akbash : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Akita Inu : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Akita Inu
Alaskan Klee Kai : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Alaskan Klee Kai
Alaskan Malamute : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Alaskan Malamute
Alpine Dachsbracke : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Alpine Dachsbracke
American Akita : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
American Akita
American Bulldog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
American Bulldog
American Cocker Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
American Cocker Spaniel
American Eskimo Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
American Eskimo Dog
American Kangal : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
American Kangal
American Pit Bull Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Foxhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
American Foxhound
American Staffordshire Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
American Staffordshire Terrier
American Water Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
American Water Dog
Anatolian Shepherd Dog or Kangal : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Anatolian Shepherd Dog or Kangal
Appenzeller Sennenhund : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Appenzeller Sennenhund
Ariégeois : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Artois Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Artois Hound
Australian Shepherd : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Australian Shepherd
Australian Cattle Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Australian Terrier
Austrian Brachet Black and Tan : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Austrian Brachet Black and Tan
Austrian Pinscher : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Austrian Pinscher
Azawakh : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bakharwal : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bangkaew : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Barak : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Barbet : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Basenji : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Basset Bleu de Gascogne : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Basset Bleu de Gascogne
Basset Fauve de Bretagne : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Basset Fauve de Bretagne
Basset Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Basset Hound
Bavarian Mountain Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bavarian Mountain Hound
The Beagle : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Beagle-Harrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bearded Collie : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bearded Collie
Beauceron : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bedlington Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bedlington Terrier
Belgian Shepherd Dog Groenendael : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Belgian Shepherd Dog Groenendael
Belgian Shepherd Dog Laekenois : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Belgian Shepherd Dog Laekenois
Belgian Shepherd Tervuren : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Belgian Shepherd Tervuren
Bergamasco : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Berger Picard : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Berger Picard
Bernese Mountain Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bernese Mountain Dog
Bichon Bolognese : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bichon Bolognese
Bichon frise : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bichon frise
Bichon Maltese : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bichon Maltese
Billy : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Black and Tan Coonhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Black and Tan Coonhound
Black Russian Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Black Russian Terrier
Blue Picardy Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Blue Picardy Spaniel
Bluetick Coonhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bluetick Coonhound
Bobtail Old English Sheepdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bobtail or Old English Sheepdog
Border Collie : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Border Collie
Border Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Border Terrier
Borzoi or Russian Greyhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Borzoi or Russian Greyhound
Boston Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Boston Terrier
Bouvier des Flandres : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bouvier des Flandres
Boxer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Braque d'Auvergne : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Braque d'Auvergne
Braque du Bourbonnais : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Braque du Bourbonnais
Bracco Italiano : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bracco Italiano
Braque Saint-Germain : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Braque Saint-Germain
Brazilian Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Brazilian Terrier
Brie Shepherd : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Brie Shepherd
Briquet Griffon Vendéen : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Briquet Griffon Vendéen
Brittany Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Brittany Spaniel
Broholmer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Brussels Griffon : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Brussels Griffon
Bulldog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bullmastiff : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bull Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Bull Terrier
Cairn Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Cairn Terrier
Canaan Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Canaan Dog
Canadian Eskimo Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Canadian Eskimo Dog
Cane Corso : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Cane Corso
Welsh Corgi Cardigan : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Castro Laboreiro Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Castro Laboreiro Dog
Catahoula Leopard Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Catahoula Leopard Dog
Catalan Sheepdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Catalan Sheepdog
Caucasian Shepherd Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Central Asian Shepherd Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Central Asian Shepherd Dog
Cesky Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Cesky Terrier
Chihuahua : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Chinese Crested Dog
Chinese Crested Dog
Chinook : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Cimarrón Uruguayo : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Cimarrón Uruguayo
Cirneco Dell Etna : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Cirneco Dell Etna
Chart Polski or Polish Greyhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Chart Polski or Polish Greyhound
Chesapeake Bay Retriever : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Chien Français Tricolore : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Chien Français Tricolore
Chilean Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Chilean Terrier
Chow-chow : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Clumber Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Clumber Spaniel
Continental Toy Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Continental Toy Spaniel
Cocker Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Cocker Spaniel
Collie : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Coton de Tulear : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Coton de Tulear
Croatian Sheepdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Croatian Sheepdog
Curly Coated Retriever : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Curly Coated Retriever
Czech Barb or Český Fousek : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Czech Barb or Český Fousek
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Dachshund : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dalmatian : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dandie Dinmont Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Deerhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dobermann : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dogo Argentino : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dogo Argentino
Dogo Canario : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dogo Canario
Dogue de Bordeaux or French Mastiff : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dogue de Bordeaux or French Mastiff
Dogue de Majorque : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dogue de Majorque
Drentsche Patrijshond : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Drentsche Patrijshond
Drever : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dunker : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dutch Shepherd : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dutch Shepherd
Dutch Smoushond : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Dutch Smoushond
East Siberian Laika : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
East Siberian Laika
English Foxhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
English Foxhound
English Pointer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
English Pointer
English Setter : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
English Setter
English Springer Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
English Springer Spaniel
Entlebucher Mountain Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Entlebucher Mountain Dog
Estrela Mountain Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Estrela Mountain Dog
Eurasier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Field Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Field Spaniel
Fila Brasileiro : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Fila Brasileiro
Finnish Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Finnish Hound
Finnish Lapponian Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Finnish Lapponian Dog
Finnish Spitz : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Finnish Spitz
Flat-Coated Retriever : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Flat-Coated Retriever
Fox Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Fox Terrier
French Bulldog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
French Bulldog
French Pointer Pyrenean type : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
French Pointer Pyrenean type
French Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
French Spaniel
French White and Black hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
French White and Black hound
French White and Orange Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
French White and Orange Hound
Frisian Water Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Frisian Water Dog
Gaddi Kutta : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Gaddi Kutta
Galgo español : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Galgo español
Gascon Saintongeois : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Gascon Saintongeois
German Hound or German Bracke : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
German Hound or German Bracke
German Hunting Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
German Hunting Terrier
German Mastiff or Great Dane : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
German Mastiff or Great Dane
German Pinscher : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
German Pinscher
German Shepherd : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
German Shepherd
German Shorthaired Pointer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
German Shorthaired Pointer
German Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
German Spaniel
German Wirehaired Pointer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
German Wirehaired Pointer
Giant Schnauzer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Giant Schnauzer
Glen of Imaal Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Glen of Imaal Terrier
Golden Retriever : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Golden Retriever
Setter Gordon : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Gordon Setter
Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen
Grand Bleu de Gascogne : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Grand Bleu de Gascogne
Grand Griffon Vendéen : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Grand Griffon Vendéen
Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound
Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Greek Harehound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Greek Harehound
Greenland Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Greenland Dog
Greyhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Griffon Bleu de Gascogne : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Griffon Bleu de Gascogne
Griffon Fauve de Bretagne : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Griffon Fauve de Bretagne
Halden Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Halden Hound
Hamilton Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Hamilton Hound
Harrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Havanese : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Hokkaido : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Hovawart : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Hungarian Vizsla : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Hungarian Vizsla
Hygen Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Hygen Hound
Ibizan Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Ibizan Hound
Irish Setter : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Irish Setter
Irish Water Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Irish Water Spaniel
Istrian Coarse-haired Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Istrian Coarse-haired Hound
Istrian Short-haired Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Istrian Short-haired Hound
Italian Greyhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Italian Greyhound
Italian Short-haired Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Italian Short-haired Hound
Italian Wirehaired Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Italian Wirehaired Hound
Italian Volpino : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Italian Volpino
Jack Russell Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Jack Russell Terrier
Jämthund or Swedish Elkhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Jämthund or Swedish Elkhound
Japanese Spitz : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Japanese Spitz
Japanese Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Japanese Terrier
Japanese Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Japanese Spaniel
Kai : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Karelian Bear Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Karelian Bear Dog
Karst Shepherd : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Karst Shepherd
Kelpie : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Kerry Blue : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Kerry Blue
Kintamani : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Kishu : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Komondor or Hungarian Sheepdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Komondor or Hungarian Sheepdog
Korthals Griffon : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Korthals Griffon
Kromfohrländer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Korean Jindo : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Korean Jindo
Kuvasz : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Labrador Retriever : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Labrador Retriever
Lakeland Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Lakeland Terrier
Lagotto Romagnolo : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Lagotto Romagnolo
Landseer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Langhaar or German Longhaired Pointer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Langhaar or German Longhaired Pointer
Large Munsterlander or Grand Münsterländer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Large Munsterlander or Grand Münsterländer
Leonberger : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Lhassa Apso : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Lhassa Apso
Löwchen : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Magyar Agár : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Magyar Agár
Majorca Shepherd Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Majorca Shepherd Dog
Malinois or Belgian Shepherd : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Malinois or Belgian Shepherd
Manchester Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Manchester Terrier
Maremma Sheepdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Maremma Sheepdog
Mastiff : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Miniature Bull Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Miniature Bull Terrier
Miniature Pinscher : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Miniature Pinscher
Miniature Schnauzer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Miniature Schnauzer
Montenegrin mountain hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Montenegrin mountain hound
Mudi : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Neapolitan Mastiff : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Neapolitan Mastiff
Newfoundland : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Norfolk Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Norfolk Terrier
Norrbotten Spitz : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Norrbotten Spitz
Norman Artesian Basset : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Norman Artesian Basset
Norwegian Buhund : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Norwegian Buhund
Norwegian Elkhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Norwegian Elkhound
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Old Danish Pointer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Old Danish Pointer
Otterhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Parson Russell Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Parson Russell Terrier
Pastor Garafiano : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pastor Garafiano
Pekingese : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pembroke Welsh Corgi : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Perdiguero de Burgos : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Perdiguero de Burgos
Persian Greyhound (Tazy) : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Persian Greyhound (Tazy)
Peruvian Hairless Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Peruvian Hairless Dog
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
Petit Bleu de Gascogne : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Petit Bleu de Gascogne
Petit Brabancon : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Petit Brabancon
Pharaoh Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pharaoh Hound
Phu Quoc Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Phu Quoc Dog
Picardy Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Picardy Spaniel
Plott Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Plott Hound
Podenco canario : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Podenco canario
Poitevin : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Polish Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Polish Hound
Polish Lowland Sheepdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Pomeranian : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pont-Audemer Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pont-Audemer Spaniel
The Poodle : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Posavac Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Posavac Hound
Porcelaine : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Portuguese Podengo : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Portuguese Podengo
Portuguese Sheepdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Portuguese Sheepdog
Portuguese Water Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Portuguese Water Dog
Powder-Puff : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pudelpointer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pug or Carlino : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pug or Carlino
Puli : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pumi : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pyrenean Mastiff : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pyrenean Mastiff
Pyrenean Mountain Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pyrenean Mountain Dog
Pyrenean Sheepdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Pyrenean Sheepdog
Rafeiro de l'Alentejo or Alentejo Mastiff : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Rafeiro de l'Alentejo or Alentejo Mastiff
Rampur Greyhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Rampur Greyhound
Rat Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Rat Terrier
Redbone Coonhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Redbone Coonhound
Rhodesian Ridgeback : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Romanian Carpathian Shepherd : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Romanian Carpathian Shepherd
Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog
Rottweiler : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Russkiy Toy : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Russkiy Toy
Russo-European Laika : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Russo-European Laika
Saarloos Wolfdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Saarloos Wolfdog
Sabueso Fino Colombiano : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Sabueso Fino Colombiano
Sakhalin Husky : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Sakhalin Husky
Saint-Bernard : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Saint Hubert Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Saint Hubert Dog
Saint Miguel Cattle Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Saint Miguel Cattle Dog
Saluki : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Samoyed : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Sapsali : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Schapendoes : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Schiller Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Schiller Hound
Schipperke : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Schweizer Laufhund : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Schweizer Laufhund
Scottish Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Scottish Terrier
Sealyham Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Sealyham Terrier
Serbian Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Serbian Hound
Serbian Tricolour Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Serbian Tricolour Hound
Shar Pei : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Shar Pei
Shetland Sheepdog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Shetland Sheepdog
Shiba Inu : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Shiba Inu
Shih Tzu : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Shih Tzu
Shikoku : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Siberian Husky : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Siberian Husky
Skye Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Skye Terrier
Slovak hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Slovak hound
Sloughi : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Slovak Cuvac : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Slovak Cuvac
Smaland Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Smaland Hound
Small Münsterländer : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Small Münsterländer
Small Swiss Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Small Swiss Hound
Smooth Collie : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Smooth Collie
Spanish Alano : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Spanish Alano
Spanish Mastiff : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Spanish Mastiff
Spinone Italiano : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Spinone Italiano
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Spanish Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Spanish Hound
Spanish Water Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Spanish Water Dog
Staffordshire Bull Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Swedish Vallhund : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Swedish Vallhund
Stabyhoun : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Styrian Coarse-haired Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Styrian Coarse-haired Hound
South Russian Ovcharka : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
South Russian Ovcharka
Sussex Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Sussex Spaniel
Swedish Lapphund : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Swedish Lapphund
Taïwan Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Taïwan Dog
Tatra Shepherd Dog : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Tatra Shepherd Dog
Telomian : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Thai Ridgeback : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Thai Ridgeback
Tibetan Mastiff : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Tibetan Spaniel
Tibetan Terrier : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Tibetan Terrier
Tosa : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Transylvanian Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Transylvanian Hound
Treeing Walker Coonhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Treeing Walker Coonhound
Tyrolean Hound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Tyrolean Hound
Weimaraner : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Welsh Springer Spaniel : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Welsh Springer Spaniel
Westie : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Welsh Terrier
West Siberian Laika : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
West Siberian Laika
Westie : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Westphalian Dachsbracke : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Westphalian Dachsbracke
Whippet : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
White Swiss Shepherd : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
White Swiss Shepherd
Wirehaired Belgian Griffon : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Wirehaired Belgian Griffon
Irish Wolfhound : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Irish Wolfhound
Xoloitzcuintle : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Yorkshire : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog of Charplanina : A faithful and affectionate companion, find the dog that suits you
Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog of Charplanina

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