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French White and Orange Hound

French White and Orange Hound

The French White and Orange Hound is a hunting dog breed of the scent hound type originating from France. Specifically bred for pack hunting, this dog is known for its exceptional scenting ability, great endurance, and capability to work on various types of terrain. The French White and Orange Hound excels in hunting large game such as deer and wild boar.

Physical Characteristics

The French White and Orange Hound is a medium to large-sized dog, robust and well-proportioned. Males typically measure between 62 and 70 cm at the withers, while females measure between 60 and 68 cm. Their weight ranges from 30 to 35 kg. The body is well-muscled with a deep chest and strong limbs. The head is elongated with a slightly domed skull and a straight muzzle. The eyes are medium-sized and dark-colored, expressing a gentle and intelligent look. The ears are medium-sized, set high, and fall gracefully along the head.


The coat of the French White and Orange Hound is short, dense, and smooth, providing good protection against the elements. The coat is predominantly white with well-defined orange patches, giving this dog an elegant and distinctive appearance. The coat is easy to maintain, requiring regular brushing to keep it clean and healthy.


The French White and Orange Hound is known for its friendly, sociable, and balanced temperament. It is very attached to its pack and its master, and enjoys working as a team. This dog is intelligent and easy to train, although it can sometimes be a bit independent. It is generally good with children and other pets, but can be reserved with strangers. The French White and Orange Hound needs plenty of exercise to stay mentally and physically healthy, and thrives in an environment where it can run freely.


The French White and Orange Hound is a robust breed with few known health problems. However, like all large dogs, it can be prone to hip dysplasia and certain joint issues. A balanced diet, regular veterinary care, and adequate physical activity are essential to maintaining overall health. Due to its short coat, it is also important to protect it from extreme temperatures.

The French White and Orange Hound is an excellent hunting dog and loyal companion, ideal for hunters and active families. With proper socialization and training, it can be a valuable addition to any household. Its easy-to-maintain coat and robust nature make it a popular breed among hunting dog enthusiasts.

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