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Austrian Brachet Black and Tan

Dog Austrian Brachet Black and Tan

The Austrian Brachet Black and Tan is a breed of hound native to Austria. It is a medium-sized dog, with a height at the withers of 48 to 56 cm for males and 46 to 54 cm for females. The average weight is generally between 18 and 22 kg. Its coat is short, smooth and shiny, with a black and tan coat. Tan markings are located on the cheeks, chest, limbs and tail.

The head is well proportioned to the rest of the body, with a slightly domed skull. The eyes are oval in shape and dark in color. The ears are set high, of medium size and carried drooping.

The Austrian Brachet Black and Tan is a lively, courageous dog with developed sense of smell. He is affectionate and devoted to his family.

The Austrian Brachet Black and Tan is a determined and passionate hunting dog. He is known for his exceptional flair and hunting skills. Outside of hunting, it is a devoted and loyal dog to its family.

The Austrian Brachet Black and Tan is generally a robust breed. Like all breeds, regular care, a balanced diet and visits to the veterinarian are important to maintain health.

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